Your Labradoodle puppy will acquire immunities against many diseases by nursing from his/her mother within the first two days of life. It is at that time as puppy nurses, it is ingesting colostrum that is present in the mother’s milk that is first produced. The antibodies that are passed in the colostrum are vital to the puppy’s health. These antibodies give your Labradoodle puppy some prevention from being infected by diseases like Canine Distemper and Parvo virus.
We take all the necessary precautions with puppies by limiting visitors before puppies are vaccinated, to ensure they are not unknowingly exposed to any diseases that could harm or be fatal to a young puppy. We disinfect the whelping boxes daily, and exercise meticulous hand washing techniques before handling any puppy. We do have a firm NO VISITATION policy during the time in which we have puppies.
At Australian Labradoodles in Pennsylvania, we insist that the following vaccines are given by our veterinarian during a complete health exam at age 6-7 weeks: Canine Distemper, Canine Hepatitis virus, Parainfluenza, and Parvo virus. We recommend that you follow your established veterinarians schedule after you take your puppy home . After the initial series are given, these vaccines are recommended to be repeated on a designated schedule to continue immunity.
At Australian Labradoodles in Pennsylvania we worm our puppies at the appropriate ages of weeks 2, 4, and 6.
Pediatric Spay and Neutering of canines has been practiced for years in Veterinarian Medicine with notable success. Animal Shelters and Human Societies also routinely practice pre-puberal spay and neutering. Studies suggest that desexing is safe in dogs as young as 6 weeks of age, providing that the procedure is done with expertise, and in conjunction with the correct form of anesthesia.
Clinical documentation, shows that animals sterilized at 6-12 weeks of age have shown to develop fewer behavior problems, fewer weight problems, and decreased medical problems then those animals with the surgical intervention at the “traditional age” of spay/neuter. Other benefits noted have been quicker recovery time as well as faster healing in the post-operative period.
Australian Labradoodles in Pennsylvania has been actively promoting the pediatric desexing of our puppies since our initial litter of Labradoodle puppies in 2002. Over the years, the history of this procedure has been very successful and promising in our young puppies as well as those now, mature Labradoodles.
For the past several years, our Veterinarian has been successfully performing the “key hole” procedure, and the gonadectomy on our labradoodle puppies, at 7-8 weeks of age.
Our Veterinarian also uses “SevoFlo”(Sevoflurane) inhalation anesthesia. SevoFlo was first used in human medicine, primarily in pediatrics and NICU units since 1995. Implementation of this form of anesthesia, in the practice of Veterinary medicine has been highly regarded. Unlike many other of the anesthetics which have unpleasant odor and taste, SevoFlo has a sweet smell. Tendencies will be for your pet to be more agreeable to the smell and will not resist the anesthetic and fall asleep quickly with minimal stress. When the surgery is completed the animal will more then likely become responsive within minutes, as SevoFlo is expelled quickly through the body. This inhalation anesthesia is also recommended, for animals at higher risk, to include those geriatric pets.
We utilize either pediatric spay and neutering procedures or spay/neutering contracts with each of our puppies to protect the integrity of our bloodlines.
Contrary to what some people may think, yes, the Australian Labradoodle is a true breed. Its origin dates back to the 1980's, where it began in the heart of "the land down under." It was there in Australia where, it all began the Labradoodle breed by crossing a Labrador and a Poodle. The offspring provided the building blocks and foundation of today's breed. The rationale for creating such a breed was to offer a canine that could encompass the love and affection of the Lab, and retain the intelligence, allergenic and low to non-shedding coat qualities of the Poodle. Most likely, the first generation labradoodles, did not boast every trait he wanted to retain from both breeds. Using the selective breeding process, along with extra care, additional breeders in Australia managed to bring us the wonderful Labradoodle that we have come to know and love.
It wasn't until recent years that the miniature and medium labradoodles were developed. They too have the same characteristics that the larger dog encompasses but in a smaller size. Miniature labradoodles are sized about 14 inches and no larger than 17 inches. Medium labradoodles are from 18 to 21 inches, and standard labradoodles range anywhere from 23 to 26 inches.
Australian Labradoodles in Pennsylvania will have your labradoodle puppy microchipped by 8 weeks of age, by our Veterinarian. Microchipping has been a valuable tool for pet owners since 1989, and is a secure way of identifying your pet. Most animal shelters, rescues, and Veterinarian offices have the capabilities of utilizing the microchip network.
The microchip is the size of a grain of rice encased in a biocompatible glass (the same as used in human pacemakers), to prevent rejection from the animals body. Inserted in the loose skin of your labradoodle puppy between the shoulder blades, by our Veterinarian, it is no more painful then routine vaccines, and administered the same way. It is permanent, and can not be removed, or altered.
Each chip has its own unique number which is logged in to the international databank. The puppy’s family registers their personalized information in relationship to their puppy and when received by the registry company, will be vital in helping to identify your pet. A scanner is passed over the microchip and the low frequency radio wave created by the scanner will activate the chip, allowing your pet’s information is to be visualized on a small screen.
Leashes, fences, and closed doors would seem like enough to protect your pet, but accidents do happen. Although there is no guarantee that this technique will work 100% of the time, technology of the microchip device has greatly increased our chances of having our pets returned to us safely. It is also important to know that Research facilities will NOT accept any animal that has a tattoo or microchip.
Studies and research that have been done for many years in Australia have shown the Australian Labradoodle to have a 98% success rate, of being allergy and asthma friendly.
The Australian Labradoodle was produced to provide assistance and therapy dogs for those in need of service who suffered from allergies and asthma to canines. The Australian Labradoodle is not to be confused with the first cross of the poodle bred to a lab or even the australian labradoodle which are prodigy of early generation labradoodles crossed back to a poodle. It is imperative to understand that just as there are various breeds of “spaniels”, “terriers”, “shepherds”, the Australian labradoodle is recognized to be different from the other generation labradoodles. The years of committed research by the founding breeders from Australia should never be mistaken for a high priced designer dog to be touted as a trend.
The allergy and asthma symptoms that some people experience from exposure to many breeds of canines are not typically found in families who own the Australian Labradoodle that have diagnosed history of canine allergies and asthma.
For a better understanding of allergy and asthma triggers in canines it is important to comprehend that all dogs drop hair. Dropping hair is not the same as shedding, as dropping hair, is the normal replacement process. It is not the hair that triggers the allergy and asthma event, it can be the dander. Dander occurs as the outer layer of the epidermis (outer layer of the dogs skin) renews itself. There are many many layers of skin that are constantly being replaced. This entire process takes place every 21 days. Young puppies have less skin to shed then their older counter parts and are not expected to produce allergens .
There are other allergens beside the “dander”. Some people are allergic to the proteins in the dogs saliva, urine and even the high level of protein found in milk supply of the nursing mother dog.
It is imperative to commit to memory that 98% success rate with the Australian Labradoodle is a very miraculous statistic yet that marker may not be inclusive to everyone.
If there is a slight chance that you or your family member may have an infrequent occurrence of allergy/asthma issues to the Australian Labradoodle, there are some things that we can do to diminish any allergy reactions that could be experienced:
-Keeping the dog out of the bedroom
-Installing Heppa filters
-Keeping pets off furniture
-Limit the amount of time the dog may ride in the car
-Wash your hands after handling the pet, toys etc
-Keep your dogs skin healthy to control the amount of dander
**It should be noted that there are no significant differences in allergy friendliness between the wool or the fleece coats. Both are equally friendly.**
Our passion drives us to excel the breed standard of the Australian Labradoodle. We will strive to promote healthy, allergy friendly family companions that will provide years of unconditional love; while working in conjunction with adoptive families and other breeders.
© 2016 Australian Labradoodles in Pennsylvania